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Membership Dues Model has changed for 2025

  • Non Profit - $300 per year
  • Individual - $300 per year
  • Corresponding/Wholesale Account Executive - $500 per year
  • Affiliate - $500 per year
  • Lenders with  1-24 Employees - $500 per year
  • Lenders  with more than 25 Employees - $1000 per year

Download the Lender Membership Application for 1 - 25+ Here:
word version or PDF version

Download the Associate Membership Application including Non-Profit, Individual, Corresponding/Wholesale Executive, and Affiliate here:
word version or PDF version

Benefits of Being a Member

  1. Educational programs specializing in continuing education covering all aspects of the mortgage loan process from application to loan servicing. Recent seminars have covered Fair Lending, FHA/VA processing, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and extensive annual servicing workshop. Members receive a discounted price for all educational programs.
  2. Frequent newsletters updating all regulatory changes for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, HUD.
  3. Monthly summaries of Board of Governor meeting which include legislative updates. The Missouri Mortgage Bankers Political Action Committee has been successful in communicating the mortgage bankers? viewpoint to the state legislature.
  4. Join our MBA website at The MBA of St. Louis has joined with to be able to link to your website to the MBA website. In addition, your company will benefit from the exposure of the Post Dispatch through with banners referring to the MBA site.
  5. Monthly general membership meetings provide an opportunity to interact with your fellow members and industry experts. Speakers, sharing their knowledge on various current affairs keep our members up to date at the monthly meetings. You are welcome to attend an upcoming meeting. This will allow you to experience firsthand the value in being an MBA member.
  6. Public Relations with our customers in an ongoing campaign to show the value of doing business with a leader in our industry, YOU, as a member of Mortgage Bankers Association of St. Louis.


LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY: The MBA maintains an aggressive legislative awareness and advocacy program in conjunction with the Mortgage Bankers Association of Missouri and cooperative relationships with the Mortgage Bankers Association of America and our individual member firms. Our Association is in the forefront of legislative issues, and works to ensure that legislation is developed in the best interest of our members.

DIVERSE MEMBERSHIP: Member firms include a majority of St. Louis’ leading firms, and range from large national “mega-lenders” to local mortgage brokers, as well as related industry firms of all types. Our diversity allows us to learn from each other, to reach educated consensus on industry issues, and to be recognized as the premier industry voice by legislators, regulators, the media, and the public.

TIMELY INFORMATION: Over the years, the MBA has fostered an unparalleled network of relationships throughout the industry. Our committees actively maintain these relationships and monitor pending issues to provide members with the “early warning” so essential to a successful business.

MBA of ST. LOUIS LOGO: The MBA’s Logo is recognized by the media and the public to represent lenders with expertise, high integrity, and adherence to the Association's strict Code of Ethics. As a result, membership is the St. Louis MBA is increasingly a factor in consumer choices.

EDUCATION: A wide range of industry specific courses is provided through a cooperative arrangement with the Center For Financial Training. In addition, the MBA provides industry information at meetings and a variety of seminars presented throughout the year.

NETWORKING: The industry's top professionals are present at our meetings and events. In addition to monthly meetings, examples of networking opportunities include our annual golf outing, Blues and Cardinals events, and the annual Installation Dinner Dance.

CHARITABLE ACTIVITES: We pool our efforts to support various charitable activities such as Habitat for Humanity, our annual Homer’s for the Homeless Campaign, and other housing related causes. These efforts help create a positive image for our industry, and are often more effective than if our own firms participated on an individual basis.

Please join us at our education seminars, membership meetings, and on the net to help lead our industry into the future. BUT FIRST YOU HAVE TO JOIN! The membership fee for 2013 is $1200 for lending members who pay by January 31st and $800 for affiliate members. To request an application, please call the Mortgage Bankers Association of St. Louis at (314) 416-2222.

About us

The St. Louis MBA is committed to the mortgage banking industry and its members adhere to the highest standards in lending. Customer satisfaction, loyalty and trust is the key to being a St. Louis MBA member.

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